Sespe Consulting


Geologic and Hydrogeologic Services

Sespe offers a broad range of professional geologic and hydrogeologic services in support of various permit applications, CEQA document preparation, and regulatory compliance, as well as discrete site assessment and characterization studies. Combined, our team brings more than fifty years of applied experience in the earth sciences, assisting clients in both the public and private sectors. Sespe’s expertise includes the following:

Geologic Site Investigation and Analysis

Aquifer Testing and Parameterization

Soil Sampling and Analysis

Comprehensive Groundwater and Surface Water Studies

Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies (RI/FS)

Well Siting and Design

Fracture Trace Analysis

Water Quality Monitoring

Geologic and Mineral (Metallic and Non-Metallic) Deposit
Resource Assessment, Delineation and Estimation

Contaminant Plume Identification and Characterization

Environmental Forensics Support Services

Sampling and Analysis and Quality Assurance Project Plans

What can our team of experienced professionals help you accomplish? Get in touch to find out!

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